Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A non-fail failure...

So, I don't want to call it a "failure"... but I've kind of failed. And I'm okay with it, it will help me in the future somehow I'm sure... build character or something. Right?? I went to do one last promo on my sock monkeys before the listings all expired... and low and behold - they all expired on March 15th.
For about three minutes I sat here wondering if I should renew my listings and do one more promo or call it a day... I called it a day. To be honest (both with you and myself) I just don't have the time in my day to research how to make a go of this and do all of these online workshops on Etsy nor do I have the attention span... also I would never really make any money with this anyway.
I had them listed at $40 each - and they were taking me roughly 4 hours each... minus from that the cost of products to make them... that's not even minimum wage... so it's not like I could have ever made a living with this.
Then take into consideration that I had message after message about shipping costs. The amount of sales I COULD have had, if Canada Post wasn't so damn expensive makes me sad. So, I changed the cost of the monkeys to $50 and dropped the cost of shipping... you know, the old bury the cost of shipping within the cost of the product thing... well, then I was over priced compared to the other sellers - of which there are 12,450 items actively for sale as of right now.
I'm no idiot. This isn't going to work for me. So, I have ten or so monkeys at home that I will sell or keep or set on fire... but they aren't going back on Etsy. I'll just put a bandage or two on my ego and move on.
I'm keeping my Etsy store though. Just because I can. So I will.
Also, I am keeping my Twitter as bigredsthreads... but it will end up being for personal use...
I will probably continue with this blog occasionally... or maybe I will delete it and start another... or maybe it will fall by the waste side like my Etsy store.
I don't really know right now, but I'm fresh out of steam. So, whatever... "blah blah blah..."
Onto fun, happy, sunshiny things!! In list form, because I LOOOOOOOVE lists.
1. I am STILL working on the stupid pillow case from January. Haha. I will finish it eventually. And in light of the fact that this blog post is about me closing the door on something that I did not complete I feel that I should clarify here, during this rant about the pillow case, that I do not usually leave things unfinished. Seriously. This will get done.
2. I bought two new pairs of heels this weekend. Not much makes me happier than this. Come on, TWO pairs!!
3. R and I went to Sun Peaks for four days a couple weeks ago, I love the snow more than heels. And naps. And R too, I guess...
4. On said trip to Sun Peaks we came home on the Coquihalla Hwy in full on white out conditions. They closed the hwy behind us and didn't re-open for something like 24 hours... it was a little dicey at times but we made it home in one piece.
5. My birthday is in a couple weeks and I am getting my very first dslr camera! I love taking photos and I've grown bored of my point and shoot so it's time to move on up! I've been very excited about this for two months now and think I've even written about it here already... and within the next few weeks it'll be in my hands! Good thing that I have two adorable nephews that I can use as my models :-)

Anyway, that's all... no more monkeys, but I'm happy about my decision... and of course if anyone out there ever wants one I would be more than happy to make them one, so I'm not completely closing the door.