Monday, January 30, 2012

The weekend of suffering in silence...

The weekend of suffering in silence...
Those of you out there that actually know me well will be able to appreciate the sentiment (Read: Drama) in that statement... much like you can appreciate (don't you roll your eyes at me!) when I tell you that I am starving to DEATH, or my feet hurt so bad I want to just CUT THEM OFF... but I swear you guys, I really was suffering in silence!!!
So, I had the house to myself this weekend as R was working night shift at the Hydro substation in the valley that exploded (how does that happen anyway??) and when things like this happen I like to 'take over' the house by doing all of my artsy, crafty, whatever stuff that I would otherwise be nagged about doing. "You got paint on the floor" " why is their glitter everywhere" that one was one I hear at Christmas time... and of course "how did you get THAT messy?"
I live with one of the most anal and obsessive cleaners I've ever met. Voluntarily. Why? When we moved in together five years ago, our medicine cabinet was organized biggest to smallest with all labels pointing forward...
Anyway, back to my mess... I decided this would be a perfect time to start on a little project that I have had sitting in "queue" for a while, making fancy shmancy pillows for the couch. I was going to do the whole deal from scratch but found linen pillows at Ikea for $6 each, so I grabbed a bunch, brought them home and took them apart. See, if R were home I would have been asked why there was ten pounds of polyfil all over the living room and why can't I put it in a bag... but he wasn't, so it was everywhere :-)
I've been saving little quotes I find for a while now, just in case something came up (like this) where I needed something... so I wrote out a quote I saw on a print at an art shop and scratched out a few lines, added a few lines and amended a few... and then got down to business. First I stenciled all the letters on the empty pillow case (this was about 5:30pm) and then mixed my paints with the fabric medium and started painting...

1am comes, I've already had about a dozen cups of coffee and tea, sort-of watched a movie and sort-of watched a few episodes of 'Four Weddings Canada' (side note: women in competition are SO judgy. Of course bride #2 doesn't have the exact taste that you do - she ISN'T YOU!! Gah.)
Right, my story... So, my back is KILLING me and I can no longer find a comfortable position to paint in, I've tried sitting, kneeling, laying down on my side, everything and now I'm super tired and I tell myself that once I finish I can sleep...I've got two letters left and BAM. I dropped my friggen paint brush right on top of the bloody pillow case. WHITE PILLOW CASE. WHITE PILLOW CASE THAT I HAD JUST SPENT SIX FRIGGEN HOURS ON. I ran to grab the stain remover hoping that I could get the accidental paint out... but that just made it spread. Now instead of looking like a few paint splatters it looked like I had a massive hemorrhage all over the bottom of it. Ugh. And to add salt to the wound... no one was home for me to cry to, there was no one to feel bad for me, there was no one to give me a hug. So I took a muscle relaxer and went to bed.
Morning came and the optimist in me immediately went over the table to look at the pillow case. Maybe it was a dream? Maybe it did happen, but isn't that bad?
No such luck. Still horrible. Still a mess. Still un-fixable. I want to put my head IN the pillow case and throw it away.
So, I plan to begin again... later... after I've done all of my 'Sunday chores'... and this time I'll take breaks and if my back hurts, I'll get up for a while and do something else... Also, I have a movie I wanted to watch, which I'll watch that BEFORE I start the pillow case because the last thing I need is to be distracted... and seeing as how it's a scary movie, I don't need to jump and drop another paint brush (snicker). So I put on Paranormal Activity 3 and watch only 30 minutes of it. I've gotten old. And soft. I cannot watch these movies alone anymore... and knowing that I have to go to bed alone tonight solidifies my decision to turn this off. I will thank myself for this later.
I move onto other things that have priority, like making Panini's for our 2:30pm dinner before R leaves for work again. While I was at the grocery store I looked for a good spread/sauce/whatever to put on our sammies and came up empty handed, so I grabbed a can of chipotle peppers to mix in with some mayo. I can't think of a time when I've ever had chipotle peppers on their own, so I grabbed a fork and decided to "try it out" so I knew how much to mix in with mayo. Bad idea. Also, the amount I put in my mouth was enough to put a firehall up in flames. The silently suffering part?? R is SLEEPING, and is only getting about 6 a day so he NEEDS to get every second that he can - which means that I have to run around my house SILENTLY with my mouth on fire. Seriously, if my Mom had of tried THIS on me instead of soap when I was a kid I still wouldn't be swearing to this day!!!!
Blah, blah, blah, I go about my day, get the pillow case all stenciled up and ready for painting - which is NOT being started today - and decide to wind down by having a shower. That 30 minutes of Paranormal Activity 3 that I did watch... yeah, that was 30 minutes too much for my MUCH too active imagination. I will not go into details but I will say that in hindsight investigating mysterious noises in your house whilst alone, wearing a towel, having shampoo all through your hair and dripping wet probably is NOT the safe thing to do! 
Sleeping with a 90 lb Rotti x Pitt cross, now that is the safe thing to do!!
Onto a small side note un-related to my stupidly ridiculous weekend, I have completely s**t the bed with this blog. Completely. So, my intentions from here on out are to write more.
And less.
More often.
Less content.
Like eating more smaller meals throughout the day. I'm going on a blog diet. Actually YOU are going on a blog diet... I will stop feeding you so much of my bantering at once and start feeding you smaller, healthier meals. Okay, not healthier. Just smaller. I promise. Hold me to it!!

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